
Halitosis groups

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The halitosis interest groups provide immediate and effective communication between scientists and people interested in halitosis.

- WhatsApp group is for scientists and health professionals only.

- Facebook group is also for scientists, health professionals only.

- Forum group is public and anonymised group. It is for health professionals or anyone including patients with halitosis. English and Turkish are preferred, other languages are not prohibited if you think others will understand you.

Submit request to join

What is the cost ?

Free and always will be free
Which group do you want to join?

Only scientists, health professionals, and practitioners with an interest in halitosis, related experience, or research in this field are accepted to the Halitorium WhatsApp group.

This is not open public group.

Patients with halitosis are excluded.


- Click the "Send subscription email" below.
- Fill out the form that appears on your screen.
- Type your name, surname, affiliation, country, and mobile phone number (Mandatory).
You can also include the following optional items:
- Professional information
- Special interest areas
- Clinic/ Office address or phone
- ORCID / Scopus ID
- Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter addresses
- Other contact details
- Photograph (to be placed on the web page)
- Send the form.
- You will be added to the Halitorium WhatsApp group or receive an invitation.
- Contact with any dificulty




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Every health care professionals (ent, gastro, dental practitioner, internist, psychiatrist, nurse, pharmacist, dentistry and medical faculty students and specialists from other medical branches) are welcome.

Indicate that you are a physician to your facebook profile and request membership by clicking the button below.

In this group, scientific issues related to halitosis are discussed. Question and answer is for educational and sharing purposes.

English or Turkish languages are used.



Everyone is invited, including halitosis patients. People "anonymously" ask public questions or share their experiences.

Others or volunteer health care professionals answer questions or teach patients. Usually real names are not needed. Use nickname.

English or Turkish languages are used.

What you want to know
About Halitorium
Murat Aydin

Story of Halitorium,

Scientists interested in halitosis should meet with each other to find answers to some questions, to share their opinions or experiences. More valuable projects can be produced by taking the ideas of others.

Years ago, I subscribed to the International Society Breath Odor Research (ISBOR), hoping it would be helpful for finding and communicating with other colleagues who interest in halitosis.

My colleague, who was managing the community at that time, said that there was no such practice and that we could not provide active communication between members.

Later I saw that International Association for Halitosis Research (IAFHR) and International Association for Breath Research (IABR) were also running a similar policy.

so i said i'll do it

Click the link below for who i am

Murat Aydın
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The structure of Halitorium

The term "Halitorium" was formed by combining the words Halitosis (oral malodor) and sanatorium (to heal, make healthy). Halitorium group has 3 layers covering everyone in the world dealing with halitosis, including scientists, practitioners, and the public, respectively.

- Scientists who are interested in halitosis and have published in peer-reviewed journals can join the whatsapp group.

- Or if they do not prefer to use their mobil phone to communicate, they may choice to join facebook group.

- Public people meet anonymously using a nickname in the forum group.

Scientists can join all 3 groups. All groups are unmoderated, free and will be free forever.

I'm open to all offers to improve the halitosis groups. You can contact me by clicking the link below.

Murat Aydın

Halitorium WhatsApp Group

Some of our members

Murat Aydın DMD PhD Murat Aydın graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at İstanbul Üniversity. He went on to earn a PhD in Microbiology at the Medical Faculty of Çukurova Üniversity. He has published textbooks and scientific papers on microbiology and halitosis, developed a chemical formulation to prevent mouth and body malodor and a halitosis measurement device (halitometer) and methods. Special interest area is odor measurement methods. He is currently working on halitosis in his private clinic. More information is available at :
web site      Phone      email      instagram       Orcid       Youtube

Yusuf DemirYusuf İ Demir student at Medical Faculty of Hitit university, Türkiye.

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Çağrı DericiÇağrı Derici ENT specialist at City hospital - Adana /Türkiye

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Mel RosenbergMel Rosenberg /Israel


İlter Uzelİlter Uzel Prof Dr. Orthodontist, Historian of Medicine / Türkiye

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isabelle lalemanIsabelle Laleman / Belgium

Saliha SaadSaliha Saad / England

Stuart J Froum Stuart J Froum NewYork

Paulo Sérgio da Silva SantosPaulo Sérgio da Silva Santos Prof Dr. / Brazil
Professor Titular do Departamento de Cirurgia, Estomatologia, Patologia e Radiologia - Disciplinas de Radiologia e Estomatologia Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru - Universidade de São Paulo Full Professor of the Department of Surgery, Stomatology, Pathology and Radiology - Bauru School of Dentistry - University of São Paulo Al. Dr. Octávio Pinheiro Brisolla, 9-75, Bauru - São Paulo
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Defne Yalçın Yeler DDs PhD / Türkiye
Sivas Cumhuriyet University , Department of Dentomaxillofacial Radiology Sivas

Defne yeler
email      instagram Facebook       Orcid

Burcu Evlice

Burcu Evlice /Türkiye

Metin Çalışır Metin Çalışır /Türkiye

Curd Bollen Curd BollenProf. Implant Dentistry @ College of Medicine and Dentistry Birmingham (Ulster University, UK)
Prof. Periodontology @ American University Iraq Baghdad
Lecturer Implant Dentistry @ Tipton Training, Manchester, UK
Periodontist & Implant Dentist @ Mondcentrum Eyckholt, The Netherlands
DDS, PhD, MSc periodontology @ Catholic University Leuven (Belgium)
PGCert restorative dentistry @ University of the Pacific, Stockton, US
Ceramic dental implant specialist
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Fernanda Klein Marcondes Fernanda Klein Marcondes Fernanda Klein Marcondes, PhD Associate Professor
Piracicaba Dental School University of Campinas
Av Limeira, 901 13413-906 Piracicaba - SP Brazil

Patricia Oliveira de Lima

Patricia Oliveira de Lima

Sandra Kalil Sandra Kalil /Brazil

Profa. Dra. Karina Cogo Müller Karina Cogo Müller Profa. Dra. /Brazil
Karina Cogo Müller is gratuated in Pharmacy at Piracicaba Methodist University; PhD in Pharmacology, Anesthesiology and Therapeutics at Piracicaba Dental School. Currently, she is assistant professor at Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at University of Campinas (Brazil). Her main research lines are: Oral microbiology and stress, antimicrobial activity and mechanism of actions; biofilms and antimicrobial drug repositioning. Special interest area is dysbiosis and oral diseases, including halitosis. More information is available at :
web site      Phone1      Phone2      email      instagram       Orcid      

José López José López /Spain

Mert Bilgili Mert Bilgili ENT specialst, MD/Türkiye

Eveline van der SluijsEveline van der Sluijs /Holland

Gustavo MalufGustavo Maluf /Brazil

Gustavo MalufSushma Nachnani /USA

İsmail Günayİsmail Günay Professor Dr. /Türkiye
İstanbul Health and Technology University Faculty of medicine, Department of Biophysics / Türkiye

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Prof. Dr. Özgür Keşkek Özgür Keşkek       Prof. Dr. /Türkiye
Aladdin Keykubat University, Faculty of Medicine, Dept of Internal Medicine, Chief of Institution review board, head of education More information is available at :
web site      Phone      email      Facebook       instagram       Orcid      

Karolina Skarlet Silva Viana Karolina Skarlet Silva Viana       DDS, Msc student /Brazil
Periodontics, Postgraduate Program of the School of Dentistry, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG) Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
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Tuğçe odabaş Tuğçe Odabaş       DDS /Türkiye
Restorative Dentistry Specialist, works in a private dental clinic since 2022. Special interest area is Capacity of Different Restorative Materials to Hold Volatile Sulfur Compounds or tooth discoloration and halitosis.
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Sylvia L. Santos, RDH, MS, CCRP Sylvia L. Santos, RDH, MS, CCRP       SLS Clinical Research Consulting, LLC/USA
After 12 years of full-time consulting, I have reduced to part-time service to several oral care consumer products manufacturers. I assist with product claims substantiation, strategies and clinical trial designs for toothbrushes (manual and power), floss, mouthrinses for plaque, gingivitis and malodor and dentifrices for anti-cavity, oral malodor, plaque & gingivitis, and dentinal hypersensitivity. Previously, my company provided clinical trial management, monitoring, American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance submissions and medical writing services. I retired from Johnson & Johnson Worldwide Consumer Group in 2012 following a 15-year tenure supporting global launches & claims development for Listerine brand products; from 1986 to 1998, I was employed by Unilever Research in the U.S. designing, conducting clinical projects, and provided global regulatory guidance and strategies for development of skin care cosmetic products. Special interest topics about halitosis: identify reliable instrument for simple and quick measurement of VSCs; during my research career in industry, I have designed and commissioned numerous oral malodor clinical trials relying on organoleptic assessment (Odor intensity and Hedonic), VSC instrumentation (halimeter, oralchroma, full gas GC).
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FEROZ ASHRAF KHAN Feroz Ashaf Khan       United Arab Emirates
Prima Hospital Dubai

Mailon Cury Carneiro Mailon Cury Carneiro      Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo/ Brazil
Graduated in Dentistry from the State University of Maringá (UEM), Brazil. Master's degree and currently a PhD student in Stomatology, Radiology, and Imaging at the Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo (FOB-USP), Brazil. Specialist in Hospital Dentistry from FOB-USP. Professor in the discipline of Dentistry for Patients with Special Needs at the Integrated Colleges of Ourinhos University Center (UNIFIO), Brazil. Professor in the Hospital Dentistry Specialization program at FOB-USP and the Oncology Dentistry Mini Residency program at FOB-USP. Member of the International Association for Dental Research (IADR). Stomatologist conducting research in the field of halitosis. Focused on finding effective treatments for halitosis through the study and analysis of the microbiome and proteome, aiming to enhance the accuracy in diagnosis and management. Actively involved in a halitosis research group. Special interest area is intraoral halitosis
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Sudhakar Vaidya Sudhakar Vaidya      Professor and Head / India
ENT and Head neck surgery
RD Gardi Medical college Ujjain MP India

Karyne Magalhaes Karyne Magalhaes      / Brazil
Special interest areas: halitosis, saliva.

web site      web site      You tube      Face book      Phone      instagram       email     

Gaurav Datta Gaurav Datta      India
Dhiraj Hospital Baroda


Phone email

Nithin Prakasan Nair Nithin Prakasan Nair      India
Assistant Professor Dept of ENT , JIPMER, Pondicherry



Feroz Ashraf Khan Feroz Ashraf Khan      United Arab Emirates
Prime Hospital Dubai
Special interest area is Endoscopic Sinus Surgery

Phone email

Preyas PandyaPreyas Pandya      MS ENT Shivam India
ENT hospital and vertigo centre Morbi Gujrat



Jeric AshwinJeric Ashwin      MBBS, MS ENT India
consultant ENT surgeon
Special interest area,Emergency, precision in micro surgery.
Clinician care hospital, Chennai

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Eszter SzalaiEszter Szalai       Department of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics, Semmelweis University; Hungary


Vini MehtaVini Mehta      Dr. D. Y. India
Department of Dental Research Cell, Dr. D. Y. Patil Dental College and Hospital, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune 411018, India.
Special interest areas: Public Health, Epidemiology, Health Education and Promotion
Clinician care hospital, Chennai

Phone     instagram    email      web site       Orcid       FaceBook       Scopus

Hind H. EnadHind H. Enad,    Master’s Degree in Oral Microbiology; currently a PhD student at USM University, Malaysia; Lecturer at the Faculty of Dentistry, Al-Hadi University College, Iraq.
Special interest areas: Stress biomarkers, Oral bacteriology

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Contact with Murat Aydın

Call me by telephone(+90322 4536262)

Email after 19:00 PM

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